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Our shipmates that are currently deployed in the War on Terror can let us know what they are up to.
9 Topics 36 Replies
Re: Agent Orange Claims
by J Fryckman
1 year 5 months ago
Post any information on our gone but not forgotten shipmates here.
41 Topics 167 Replies
Re: A Loss of Air Crews????
by Primo
1 year 2 months ago
Post all of your general comments here. The old posts are here as well.
72 Topics 418 Replies
Re: "Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veteran's Act"
by J Fryckman
1 year 5 months ago
Post here if trying to locate former shipmates. Maybe someone knows where to find them.
88 Topics 213 Replies
Re: Gary Romero, ETN3
by Dave Zehner
1 month 3 weeks ago
Go ahead and share your sea stories here.
41 Topics 191 Replies
by STG2 Green
10 years 5 months ago
Post your questions here to see if anyone has a better memory than you do.
98 Topics 864 Replies
First Equator Crossing 122568
by Primo
4 months 2 weeks ago
9 Topics 37 Replies
Re: Bremerton Washington 2020
by KenKeeler
1 year 9 months ago
Many of you have expressed a desire to help with this crusade so information will be posted here.
9 Topics 39 Replies
by J Fryckman
18 years 4 months ago
Anything for the media goes here
4 Topics 19 Replies
Re: Adams Class Gettogether, Jacksonville FL Nov. 2009
by TomFleming
15 years 1 week ago
There is an effort underway to save one of the few remaining Adams Class Destroyers. I will be posting information here as I receive it.
15 Topics 65 Replies
Re: Latest news from Adams Project
by KenKeeler
13 years 1 month ago
Our illustrious leader will keep all of us informed here.
8 Topics 23 Replies
Ship Models
by Ken Keeler
15 years 11 months ago
Latest Information on the USS Cochrane Association
3 Topics 25 Replies
Re: Forming of U.S.S. Cochrane Association
by Ken Keeler
22 years 7 months ago
Many of you have emailed me with comments, questions, and suggestions pertaining to the USS Cochrane web site. This is a place to post them so everyone can view them and comment.
11 Topics 81 Replies
Re: Online Chat?
by flyrod
13 years 3 months ago
This is where I will try to keep everyone up to date on current projects and upgrades.
32 Topics 145 Replies
Re: The Site has been completely rebuilt
by doty
5 years 6 months ago
Now that I have your attention, a fully functional radio controlled model of old DDG-21 is for sale. Bob Donovan contacted me a couple of weeks and he wants to give vets of the Cochrane first shot at purchasing it.
1 Topics 8 Replies
Re: Cochrane is for sale
by Snipe
15 years 8 months ago
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